Plants vs zombies 2 dark ages level 18
Plants vs zombies 2 dark ages level 18

plants vs zombies 2 dark ages level 18

Step 2 - remove all gravestones that contain sun Step 1 - remove the tombstone on the center Use the Magnifying Grass wisely to deal with Wizard Zombies and Gargantuars. Put three columns of Fume-shrooms on the fourth, fifth and sixth rows. Put two columns of Sun-shrooms on the second and the third row, leaving the first row for Magnifying Grass.

  • When Wizard Zombies appear, try to plant as many plants as you can.
  • When a Zombie King enters, kill it quickly or it will make Knight Zombies more dangerous when they get the potions.
  • Plant one column of Tall-nuts at the seventh column and Magnet-shrooms at the sixth column.
  • Remove one column of Sun-shrooms, then plant one column of Laser Beans and two columns of Fume-shrooms.
  • Just keep using Grave Busters to remove as many of them as you can to make the ambushes less dangerous. You cannot plant anything on that column, or your plants will be tossed.
  • Now, graves will keep spawning at the fifth column.
  • If you did not choose the Potato Mine, then plant a Fume-shroom. Try to let the zombies get all the potions to have tiles for your plants.
  • Use Potato Mines to kill the first few zombies, but you must plant them very far from zombies.
  • Use Grave Busters to remove the tombstones.
  • Start with two columns of Sun-shrooms.
  • Potato Mine (if you have eight seed slots).
  • Tall-nut ( Wall-nut if you want a less-costly option).
  • Strategies Strategy 1 Created by Uselessguy NOTE: Some graves may not spawn due to the other graves/potions currently occupying their positions. Waves The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one. Very powerful zombies come around, so a good defense must be set up as soon as possible. Zombie King should be countered with Magnet-shroom. Wizard Zombies are also abundant in this level as well. Jester Zombies are present, however, only by Necromancy ambushes. All Dark Ages zombies are present in this level as well.

    plants vs zombies 2 dark ages level 18

    Luckily, these Tombstones provide sun and Plant Food, so Grave Buster should be used immediately. The lawn is filled with potions at the beginning of the level, as well as many tombstones hindering progress to the front of the lawn.

    Plants vs zombies 2 dark ages level 18